Are you a front-end developer who is struggling to truly understand JavaScript? Or maybe you are UI/UX designer working with a front-end developer who is an advanced JavaScript developer. Regardless where you are at in your professional web dev/design career, JavaScript is an important language to at least have some basic understanding of.
I have even avoided JavaScript for a portion of my web career just because I was either assigned to projects that did not require my full attention to the language or was able to work with other front end developers who were able to assist me with that portion of the project. I have even written about JavaScript and other web anxiety.
Beyond HTML, CSS, PHP and WordPress
But recently I had to put my foot down and fully indulge in the JavaScript language because I wanted to advance my career beyond HTML, CSS, PHP, and WordPress. I have spent indulging in physical books, e-books, audiobooks, videos, and online courses. They say that “10,000 hours” in anything makes you an expert and that is what I set out to do. Here’s what I have spent doing to truly understand the JavaScript and break any fear of the language:
JavaScript Books:
Below is a list of books that have helped me truly understanding programming and the JavaScript language, I especially recommend that You Don’t JS Series By Kyle Simpson. I personally enjoyed the hard copies of the book because I enjoy highlighted and making physical notes in the book but there are of course free digital copies on github.
- You Don’t Know JS: Up & Going
- You Don’t Know JS: Scope & Closures
- You Don’t Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
- You Don’t Know JS: Types & Grammar
- You Don’t Know JS: Async & Performance
- You Don’t Know JS: ES6 & Beyond
JavaScript Audiobooks:
I have a long commute to and from work some days. So beyond podcasts, I enjoy audiobooks too. Now I know what you may be thinking? JavaScript audiobooks? How? Why? It’s not all about writing code, all though that is the fun part, sometimes. It’s also about understanding the overall concept of it.
- Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
- JavaScript: Learn the Fundamentals of JavaScript Computer Programming Language
- JavaScript: Basic Fundamental Guide for Beginners
These are just some of the many ways I am improving my JavaScript skills. So, whatever it’s you are afraid to learn or don’t think you can’t learn, just consume yourself in for 10,000 hours and eventually you will get it.